Seattle 2035 Urban Village Study 

Client: City of Seattle

The Seattle 2035 Urban Village Study, commissioned by the Seattle Department of Planning and Development, builds on the recommendations of the Seattle Sustainable Neighborhoods Assessment Project (SSNAP) to inform the 20-year update of the city’s comprehensive clan. The review considered whether the current urban village strategy was working successfully to guide growth consistent with the desired outcomes, plan policies and goals, and if the established classifications, policy criteria, locations and boundaries were still responsive to the Urban Village Strategy. The work also examined established urban village criteria, and possible reclassification of some urban villages and village and/or adjustments to boundaries proposed under two growth plan alternatives. As part of the complex analysis, existing and proposed urban village boundaries were re-mapped, and new boundary criteria was developed and “ground truthed” in the field. The final recommendations included a set of best practice livability measures for achieving walkable, healthy, and sustainable communities.

2015 Urban Village Report


  • Sustainable Development 
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Architecture, Urban Design, and Planning, Project Design Review
  • ​Historic Preservation
  • Land Use and Zoning
  • Government Relations,  Legislative Process, Urban Environmental Policy
Advancing Earth friendly sustainable practices, 
creating healthy communities and livable cities
To have positive human and environmental impact through thoughtful planning, good design, and retooling of the urban environment.


​​​Seattle 2035 Urban Village Study

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